Mini prints





Mini prints are produced as open editions of various sizes (usually 5x7.5 matted to fit 8x10 frame,  7.3x11 unmatted and 4x15.5 matted to fit an 8x20 frame or as otherwise noted). Mattes and foam core are acid free.


Pricing is as follow:

5x7.5  6.8x10.25 4X15.5
$45.00 $95.00 $95.00

**Prices subject to change without notice.**                         


I produce my own prints so the turnaround time is limited. Prints should be shipped within 2-3 days.

Other images:

Additional images will be added regularly to the Collection. And, in addition to the Collection, other photographs by Ernest Cadegan that might be found on this web site, or other locations on the internet may also be available.

View the Collection by clicking on the following image


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